High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope
SS-NEX - Ando model -

Dynamic Visualization of nano-scale world

rotorless F1-ATPase
Walking myosin V
N. Kodera et al. 2010
Rotorless F1-ATPase
T. Uchihashi et al. 2011

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Atomic Force Microscope(AFM) is a powerful visualization tool. It's capable imaging real nano-scale structure in air and liquid.
But serious drawback to conventional AFM is slow scanning speed. So that the image is only still picture.

Our High-Speed AFM can observe real-time imaging as movie.

Even swaying samples in solution can be imaged clearly without blurring, since the image acquisition time is short enough.
It is unnecessary to anchor the sample tightly onto substrate, thus the adverse effect from sample preparation is minimized.

*The High-Speed AFM was developed by Prof. Ando (Kanazawa Univ.) and commercialized by RIBM.

HeLa cell
Immunoglobulin G
HeLa cell

Three features

1. Three types of High-speed scanners

  • ​High scanning rate are archived by unique damping system
  • Independent triaxial piezo actuators make images without distorsions
  • You can choice one of three type scanners

Standard scanner

Suitable for high- speed imaging such as enzyme reactions and structural changes of protein

  • Scan Speed:  50 ms / frame (20 frames / sec )
  • Maximum scan range:  XY: 0.7 µm x 0.7 µm, Z: 0.4 µm

Wide scanner

Large samples with a high scanning rate

  • Scan Speed:  1 s / frame (1 frame/sec)
  • Maximum scan range:  XY: 4 µm x 4 µm,  Z : 0.7 µm

Mechanically amplified
ultra wider scanner

Suitable for observing whole body of large samples such as cells

  • Scan Speed:  10 s / frame (0.1 frames / sec )
  • Maximum scan range:  XY: 30 µm x 30 µm, Z: 0.7 µm
  • Note1: The scan range of the scanner is a typical value.

  • Note2: Scan speed is determined for each scanner under specific conditions, and it does not guarantee the scan speed at the maximum scan range.


2. Ultra-small cantilever

  • Ultra-small cantilever copes with both low spring constant and high resonance frequency
  • High-speed scanning with less damage to samples

Ultra small cantilever (Olympus)
Resonance Frequency: 1500 kHz (in air), 500 kHz (in liquid)
Spring Constant: 0.1 N / m
Length: 10 μm

3. High-speed feedback control

  • Adopting our unique dynamic PID in addition to wide bandwith analog feedback
  • Achieved precize sample imaging without parachuting even in high-speed scanning

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Standard Specifications

Scan speed 50 ms / frame (20 frames / sec)
Maximum scan range X: 0.7 μm, Y: 0.7 μm, Z: 0.4 μm
Sample size 1.5 mm in diameter
Detection method Optical lever method
Scanning method Sample scan
Environment In air / In liquid, observation solutions can be added while continuing AFM observation.
Control system PID control, Dynamic PID control
Measurement mode AC mode. Topography, error and phase image
Significant function Scanner active damping, Drift correction for cantilever excitation
  • Video acquisition (Possible data collection, data storage)
  • Control functions (Scan control, automatic approach control)
  • Frequency characteristics analysis of cantilevers
  • Number of frames: Save 1000 frames per video file
  • File storage method: Formats can be converted to a general-purpose video file format
    (Including AVI format and MPEG format)
  • Note1: The scan range of the scanner is a typical value.

  • Note2: Scan speed is determined for each scanner under specific conditions, and it does not guarantee the scan speed at the maximum scan range.

  • Note3: Regarding the options, taking into account on the user needs, the required set up will be arranged by visiting any time.



Liquid perfusion unit

Observation solution can be exchanged while continuing AFM observation.
pH value and/or buffer composition can be gradually changed during measurement.

Temperature control unit

Observation solution can be heated, from room temperature to 40℃.

Illumination system

Light source: Halogen lamp and mercury lamp(Variable  wavelength: 313 - 580 nm)
Example of use: Caged ATP, photoisomerization reactions